Jessica Skilar here, owner of MN NAF! Salon.  I've been doing a Kundalini Yoga Teacher training for a couple of months now and I'm getting really into the mantra aspect of the lineage.  I love the spiritual side of Yoga more than I ever guessed I would.  

I went to Arizona, where I used to live in February and went to the International Gem and Mineral show and went crazy with mala beads!  I've been making tons of Mala Bracelets.  Each one has a Lava Bead in it, that acts as a natural essential oil diffuser, allowing you to uplift yourself and those around you, bring peace and healing, and all around good juju.  The stones each have meanings as well. I put a prayer into each bracelet as I make it, so you'll get even more positive energy. 

These bracelets are available at the salon or are available online HERE.


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